How long will my order take to arrive?
Shipping estimates from our domestic suppliers for each product are on their respective page. To serve you better and get the best prices, your order may be shipped from one of a few of our international suppliers (estimates on product pages as well), in such case please allow for your parcels to arrive longer than usual.
Can I track my order?
Yes, if you need to track your order, simply send us a message and we will send you a tracking number. You should otherwise receive it once your order is processed.
What if I want to return an item?
Prior to returning the item, please contact us on support@trisparker.co and we will guide you through our simple returns process. Refer to our return policy for more information.
How can I get in touch if I have a problem with my order?
You can contact us at support@trisparker.co or just shoot us us message here.
How can I pay for my order?
You may securely pay with any major credit card, PayPal, Apple Pay, or several cryptocurrency options. We do not accept payment in checks, Monopoly money, or gum at this time.
Will my order arrive all in one parcel?
You will receive your order in multiple packages, possibly on different days.
How can I stay in the loop about special offers and deals?
You can subscribe to our newsletter or follow any of our social media accounts.